198 countries and 55 territories have an oceanic coastline
Equating to 620,000 Kilometers of oceanic coastline worldwide
standard for what it means to ‘have access to electricity’. It is defined as having an electricity source that can provide
very basic lighting, and charge a phone or power a radio for 4 hours per day.
Electricity is crucial for poverty alleviation, economic growth and improved living standards
Measuring the share of people with electricity access is therefore an important social and economic indicator. There is no universally-adopted definition of what ‘access to electricity’ means. However, most definitions are aligned to the delivery of electricity, safe cooking facilities and a required minimum level of consumption. The International Energy Agency (IEA) definition entails more than just the delivery to the household. It also requires households to meet a specified minimum level of electricity, which is set based on whether the household is rural or urban, and which increases with time. For rural households, this minimum threshold is 250 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year and for an urban household it is 500 kWh per year
37% of global electricity production comes from low-carbon sources
Disappointingly, the percentage of electricity that comes from low-carbon sources today is almost unchanged from the mid-1980s. In fact, throughout the early-2000s this share actually regressed.
The year by which we want to make Wave Generated Electricity more than 10% of global electricity production.
This is an incredibly small window, and indeed this may not be possible to accomplish without substantial and substantive engagement from many national governments. The resources exist and the will exists, let’s fight for our planet
What We Do
We do Blue Energy for everyone
We believe every one of those 198 countries and 55 territories has the right to utilize their territorial waters to create electric energy for their own consumption and to make them less reliant on the import and the use of fossil fuels.
Near Shore WEC System
Our WEC is designed to be utilized in a near shore, less than 8 kilometers from land, environment, regardless of location. Our WEC does not require the surge of extreme northern or southern hemispheric waves or tides, and it ability to be scaled for application size means its management is much easier.
Gigawatt Goals
Our initial mission is to create enough electrical energy to power a small city, think La Jolla, but ultimately to prove our concept is capable of powering a large city/state like Singapore
Beach sand deposition and remediation
Since our time at the University of Florida, sand has been the primary driver of our research
Proprietary Technology
If your beach community is losing beach or your river basin is acreting too much silt, our technology can help
We help countries and communities assert their electrical independence
Currently, we only provide licensing of our products to Federal and Municipal Governments and related entities
Recognized Federal Governments
Any national government with a UN presence, or any subdivision within said government, may apply to license our technology. Our fees are based upon size of state, number of people affected, and the GDP. These are not all of the parameters for consideration, but are the primary requirements
Recognized Municipalities
Coastal communities with dedicated municipal power companies are invited to apply for licensing. The parameters are less restrictive than for a larger government entity, but are based upon many of the same requirements
Become Part of Our Staff
Blue Electricity Professionals
Are you deeply committed to expanding the generation of clean, renewable electricity to power the future of world and to allow our grandchildren and their children to grow and develop in a world free of pollution? Picture yourself here and let us know how you want to save the planet, we're waiting for your call
Micro Grid integration Specialist
Director of Environmental Analysis
Marine Acoustic Engineer/Researcher
Director of Marine Transport and Installation